Conference Program

4th International Alzheimer's Disease Conference 2020







Prof. Pálmi V. Jónsson

Chief of Geriatrics, Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavík, Iceland
Professor of Geriatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland.

2009-Current  Professor of Geriatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland
1994-2009       Associate Professor of Geriatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland.
2000-Current  Chief of Geriatrics Landspítali University Hospital.
1996- 2000       Chief of Geriatric Medicine, Reykjavik Hospital
1994-1996       Chief of Geriatric Medicine, Reykjavik City Hospital.
1994-1996       Administrative Chief of Medicine, Neurology and Rehabilitation, Reykjavik City Hospital.
1990-1994        Attending physician, Department of Medicine, Reykjavik City Hospital
1988-1989       Research Fellow in Geriatric Medicine and Instructor of Medicine at Harvard University.

    1. Fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at Harvard University, Boston, MA.
      1. Resident (83-85) - and Chief Resident (85-86) in Internal Medicine, New Britain General Hospital, CT.
  1. 1979-1983       Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine in Iceland (Reykjavik Hospitals).

Other Experiences and Professional Memberships
1986                            American Board of Internal Medicine.
1987-1989                   Charles A Dana Foundation Fellow
1989-Current              Nursing Home Pre-admission Committee, the Ministry of Health, Iceland.
1990                            American Board of Internal Medicine, added qualifications in Geriatric Medicine.
1993-                           Ice-RAI Committee, The Ministry of Health, Iceland, MDS NH longitudinal data base
1996-Current             Fellow Inter-RAI: an organization on the development and use of the Resident Assessment Instruments; 25 nations, 45 person research and developmental group.
1999-Current             On the Board of InterRAI as a secretary from 1999, see
1997                            Fellow American Colleague of Physicians.
1997-1999                   Chairman Professional Committee of the Icelandic Medical Association.
2002-Current              Chairman Scientific Committee of the Icelandic Heart Association.
1994-1998                   Chairman, the Committee for Specialty Licensing in Medicine in Iceland.
1999- Current              Chairman of the University of Iceland Gerontological Research Institute
2001- Current             Executive Committee of the AGES study, Icelandic Heart Association and NIA – Co-PI.

Member, American Geriatrics Society (AGS), and Geriatrics Society of America (GSA).

Multiple Icelandic committees for the Ministry of Health (prioritization and health policy), the Icelandic Medical Association (clinical guideline development), University Hospital (end of life decision making).


  1. Scholarship from the Memorial Fund of Helga Jonsdottir and Sigurlidi Kristjansson.
  2. Grant from NATO Science Programme.

      1995    Fellow, American Colleague of Physicians
2011    Fellow, Royal Collage of Physicians, London

Prof Jónsson has extensive list of leading publications in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine,

         Gerontologiical Research, and related national policies development.